4:29 AM | 0
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[Software Pc] Advanced SystemCare 5.3.0 full
Last update26 Jun. 2012 | old versionsLicenceFreeOS SupportWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP x64នាំចូលដោយគេហទំព័រ Soft32 ទាញយកដោយវិករាយពី Norkordl
6:14 AM | 0
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M CD Vol 43 | ពីរបូកមួយស្មើសូន្យ Full Album

០១. ពីរបូកមួយស្មើសូន្យ (នីកូ, តាក់ម៉ា & អែនជី)
០២. កុំខ្លាចអូនឈឺចាប់ (ថៃណា)
០៣. ហេតុអ្វី (នីកូ)
០៤. កុំទាន់ថែមគេម្នាក់ទៀតបានអត់ (ពិសិដ្ឋ)
០៥. អរគុណទឹកចិត្តបង (តាក់ម៉ា)
០៦. ប្រុសចរិតស្រីយ៉ាប់មែន (ថៃណា)
០៧. ពេលណាអូនយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍បង (ពិសិដ្ឋ)
០៨. កុំគិតថាពេលបងកុហក អូនមិនដឹង (តាក់ម៉ា)
០៩. មិនបាច់នាំបងឱ្យស្រឡាញ់គេ (នីកូ)
១០. បើគេក្បត់អូន ស្នេហ៍បងម្ដងទៀតបានទេ (ពិសិដ្ឋ)
12:09 AM | 0
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M CD Vol 42 | បញ្ចប់រឿងយើងហើយខំស្រឡាញ់គេទៅ[Full Album]

០១. បញ្ចប់រឿងយើងហើយខំស្រឡាញ់គេទៅ (គូម៉ា)
០២. ដឹងអត់ថាគេក្បត់បង (សូលីកា)
០៣. លើកទូរស័ព្ទបងផង (ណារិទ្ធ)
០៤. ឈប់ជឿហើយ (តាក់ម៉ា, អេនីតា, សូលីកា & អែនជី)
០៥. ម្ដេចមិនអាចស្រឡាញ់បង ដូចបងស្រឡាញ់អូន (គូម៉ា)
០៦. អូនកើតមកសម្រាប់ស្មោះតែបង (សូលីកា)
០៧. ឈប់ស្រឡាញ់បងទៅណាអូនសម្លាញ់ (គូម៉ា)
០៨. ចាំបងប្រាប់ថាបែក (សូលីកា)
០៩. ម្នាក់ស្រឡាញ់ខ្ញុំ ម្នាក់ខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់ (អែនជី)
១០. Baby Please Don't Go (ណារិទ្ធ)
12:08 AM | 0
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(Full Album Original) Town CD Vol 27 | នឹកមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលកំពុងមានអ្នកថ្មី
០១. នឹកមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលកំពុងមានអ្នកថ្មី (សុគន្ធ នីសា) - DOWNLOAD
០២. នឹកដល់ឈ្មោះអូន បងអួលដើមក (ករុណា ពេជ្រ) - DOWNLOAD
០៣. អូនឡប់ៗដែលស្រលាញ់បងដល់ថ្នាក់ហ្នឹង (អែននី ហ្សាម) - DOWNLOAD
០៤. ខានជួបមុខគ្នាយូរហើយ បងនៅតែជាប្រុសព្រាន (សុគន្ធ នីសា) - DOWNLOAD
០៥. អូន Call មកបង បំណងសុំលេខទូរស័ព្ទគេ (ករុណា ពេជ្រ) - DOWNLOAD
០៦. អ្វីដែលអ្នករង់ចាំ (សុគន្ធ នីសា) - DOWNLOAD
០៧. សង្សារគេយំ ខ្ញុំហូរទឹកភ្នែក (អែននី ហ្សាម) - DOWNLOAD
០៨. នៅមុខគេម្នាក់នោះ អូនលែងក្បែរបង (ករុណា ពេជ្រ) - DOWNLOAD
០៩. អរគុណការលះបង់បង (សុគន្ធ នីសា) - DOWNLOAD
8:51 PM | 0
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RHM CD Vol 462 | គេល្អហើយ អូនអើយកុំយំ [Full Song]
០១. គេល្អហើយ អូនអើយកុំយំ (ព្រាប សុវត្ថិ) - DOWNLOAD
០២. គេល្អគ្រប់យ៉ាង តែអូនស្រលាញ់បង (ឱក សុគន្ធកញ្ញា) - DOWNLOAD
០៣. បងល្អគ្រប់យ៉ាង តែអូនស្រលាញ់គេ (សូណូ) - DOWNLOAD
០៤. Pretty Pretty (ឱក សុគន្ធកញ្ញា) - DOWNLOAD
០៥. នឹកអូនផង ពេលបងពិបាកចិត្ត (ទេព បូព្រឹក្ស) - DOWNLOAD
០៦. កម្លាំងចិត្តបេះដូងខ្មែរ (New Version) (ឆន សុវណ្ណរាជ) - DOWNLOAD
០៧. ទទួលថាខុស តែមិនទទួលថាក្បត់ (ទេព បូព្រឹក្ស) - DOWNLOAD
០៨. បែកបងអូនអាចញញឹម (សូណូ) - DOWNLOAD
០៩. មិនជឿថាបងមិនស្រលាញ់អូន (ទេព បូព្រឹក្ស)
11:07 PM | 0
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AV Audio Recorder 4.0.1 With Serial Key
AV Audio Recorder is a compact audio recorder utility that allows recording audio data from various inputs like microphone, vinyl records, audio CDs, your favorite video game, Internet broadcasts, programs like Real Player and other input lines on a sound card. Friendly wizard-styled interface makes recording easy and convenient for every user.
Record Audio
AV Audio Recorder opens wide opportunities for users with audio files. With the professional audio recording tool you can easily record any sound you hear from microphone, streaming audio (live internet broadcasts or sound of online television), external input devices (e.g. CDs, LP, music cassettes, phone line, portable players etc.) to create your own audio files.
Capture DRM Music
AV Audio Recorder helps you copy your collection of protected audio files to your iPod, iPhone or any other portable player. That means, with this sound recorder, you can record DRM protected music to create private and unprotected copies that can be suitable with your media device.
Schedule Recording
The inbuilt time triggered recording gives you the power to schedule recording either for a website or anything that runs on your desktop to start or stop at a certain time. You can use this built-in scheduler to choose the execute time of Once, Daily and Weekly to record so that you will never miss your favorite TV shows or radio programs.
Specify Recording Settings
The application enables saving recorded audio files in different popular formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG, so you can play them back on your MP3 player or other devices. And you can set the application's parameters of each format for the best possible performance. The default parameters work in most cases, but you can change them easily to suit your needs.
Enhance Recordings
AV Audio Recorder provides an audio editor which helps you visually edit your recordings and other sound files to create your masterpiece. You can cut, copy & paste audio files with ease and add some cool audio effects (echo, fade in/out, amplify, normalize, etc.) to the sound. You can even Undo/Redo all your editing operations.
Hotkey Settings
AV Audio Recorder provides a quick way for you to start or stop the recording by defining your own hotkeys to suit your own preferences. This will significantly save your time.
Professional Settings - AGC & VAS
The AGC (Automatic Gain Control) and VAS (Voice Active System) are provided for professional recording needs. The AGC helps you increase and equal overall sound volume level of the recordings. You can adjust the parameters and apply/preview the effects immediately even in the recording. While VAS helps you skip silence passages or stop the recording after a certain amount of silence.
Easy-to-Use Interface
AV Audio Recorder provides a snappy and user-friendly interface for users. Our user interface is presented extremely simple with all buttons and controls big and clear enough even for those poor-sighted. You can start recording just by one-click.
Home Page - http://www.avmediasoft.com/
Record Audio
AV Audio Recorder opens wide opportunities for users with audio files. With the professional audio recording tool you can easily record any sound you hear from microphone, streaming audio (live internet broadcasts or sound of online television), external input devices (e.g. CDs, LP, music cassettes, phone line, portable players etc.) to create your own audio files.
Capture DRM Music
AV Audio Recorder helps you copy your collection of protected audio files to your iPod, iPhone or any other portable player. That means, with this sound recorder, you can record DRM protected music to create private and unprotected copies that can be suitable with your media device.
Schedule Recording
The inbuilt time triggered recording gives you the power to schedule recording either for a website or anything that runs on your desktop to start or stop at a certain time. You can use this built-in scheduler to choose the execute time of Once, Daily and Weekly to record so that you will never miss your favorite TV shows or radio programs.
Specify Recording Settings
The application enables saving recorded audio files in different popular formats such as MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG, so you can play them back on your MP3 player or other devices. And you can set the application's parameters of each format for the best possible performance. The default parameters work in most cases, but you can change them easily to suit your needs.
Enhance Recordings
AV Audio Recorder provides an audio editor which helps you visually edit your recordings and other sound files to create your masterpiece. You can cut, copy & paste audio files with ease and add some cool audio effects (echo, fade in/out, amplify, normalize, etc.) to the sound. You can even Undo/Redo all your editing operations.
Hotkey Settings
AV Audio Recorder provides a quick way for you to start or stop the recording by defining your own hotkeys to suit your own preferences. This will significantly save your time.
Professional Settings - AGC & VAS
The AGC (Automatic Gain Control) and VAS (Voice Active System) are provided for professional recording needs. The AGC helps you increase and equal overall sound volume level of the recordings. You can adjust the parameters and apply/preview the effects immediately even in the recording. While VAS helps you skip silence passages or stop the recording after a certain amount of silence.
Easy-to-Use Interface
AV Audio Recorder provides a snappy and user-friendly interface for users. Our user interface is presented extremely simple with all buttons and controls big and clear enough even for those poor-sighted. You can start recording just by one-click.
Home Page - http://www.avmediasoft.com/
Installation Note:
1. Install the soft normally.
2. Use the serial key on the text file
3. Enjoy the full Soft
4. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy.
1. Install the soft normally.
2. Use the serial key on the text file
3. Enjoy the full Soft
4. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy.
5:25 PM | 0
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[Software Pc] បំលែង 1GB memory card to 2 GB ជាមួយកម្មវិធីSkimedi Fix 2GB Capacity
Friends,today I am going to tell you about very Interesting tricks.most people using memory cards with mobile phones,cameras & many device.some one using small capacity memory cards with their device.so today i am tell you how to increase your memory card space.you can convert a 1GB memory card to 2 GB with the help of free software.
Here is steps to do it.
1) First of all we have to make sure that its a 1 GB memory card. This only works on 1GB and it supports only in some of the rare cases.
2) Now connect your memory card with PC and backup all your data in that because we have to format the drive.
3) After backing up now open the Skimedi Fix 2GB Capacity application (Download Here ).
4) A small window will pop up showing the FIX and Cancel option. And you have to browse the drive where it is located.
5) After selecting the drive press on FIX and then the updating process will be followed up. It will ask your conformation whether you agree to format or not. click on yes.
6) Later it will ask to replug the device. Just replug the memory stick card and put it back. The size of the memory will be increased from 1Gb to 2Gb. you can see the properties before and after the cracking process.
7) After that you can also check the memory size in phone and also you can test the size by copying all the data to it which is around 2Gb.
You can reopen the Skimedi Fix and select the drive again where it shows us the size as 1912mb which is nothing but 2Gb.
8:45 AM | 0
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[Software Pc] Winamp Pro & Full 5.63 Build 3234 With Keygen
Winamp Pro is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.
8:35 AM | 0
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